The Non Goverment Organizations underneath are some that are able and will speak for freedom too help with understanding this way of life.
AKOBEN stands for LOYALTY, DEVOTION and SERVICE. It must be mentioned that service to the self, is one of the most complete ways. Therefor the biggest enlightment is to understand that we are and could live as one family.
The most complete goal of AKOBEN is to elimenate discrimination in any form. AKOBEN is their to protect our ways even before we are born. Its one of our goals to register and re-write some of the false his-herstories and correct it to ourstory.
Openreid is based on the believe that a person has all the right to own the information writen by a orginasation, company and/or goverment about xes individual.
Openreid will listen to your story and find out what is writen and hidden about you.
Ambulantory and consultensy on the grounds of sociaal security and personal improvement.
The most complete goal of sociaalWINzeker is to help people who receive social welfare or have trouble with society as it was/will be/is in the past/present/ future. This concerns any part of the world for indeed we all are inhabitents of this one world.
People who want to change the world, have ideas to start and need a helping thought.
Watch full speech here.
For SPEAKforfreeDOM it is most important to teach and love.
To protect our family (the world) it is therefor number one to protect ourselves, ourhistory and trough this: ourfuture! Connect to the present and future as a loving and with action helping humanity.
Vision is something to see. And having a vision is thinking to see something. Both is a form of reality for both are as real as the unreal. It is therefor as important to travel the world and see as it is to dream while beeing awake too expand and condense your mind.
Because vision has been one of the most important things to survive, it must be known that vision is intertwind)) with almost everything we do. It is therefor recommended to teach yourself to see, aware and experience the things you see. To interact with something you see is to make a better imprint in your mind where you and others can later build on. And ofcourse with our migthy imagenation you can create the complete opposite of what was seen and experienced.
To active the above is to look at the world trought whatever glass you like. One first has to believe that the world is colorless without light but would remain colorless without the quantities of the reflectors. But it would be very colorfull indeed if our minds still bare the knowledge of imagination. Therefor to train your mind and fantasy, look at one object and change to color in your mind. Try to then move the thought in your mind and put that color, as if a coath, over the object that you wish to change the color of. After trying this you can try to look at a section of a room and try to change all the objects in your mind to the same color.
Let's say we make the section/whole room blue! And since you have watched (or might now watch) the speech of Dr. King called Blueprint. Try to imagane the whole room in different shades of blue with alot of definition and you now are going to the printshop to collect that beautiful print you created. Now when thinking of a Blueprint, you shall get the motivation of KING and the security that you indeed have a rich mind!
When protecting someone, something or a specific area it is importent that you can show that you are there to protect. The key to this is that since you are human, you are already there to protect. This does not need to be proven when in a public place.
Underneath you will see different ways to join your hands and let people know, without speaking, why and or what you are protecting.
When in danger it is important to leave evidence of your route where ever you are. This means you must speak the truth. Only this will help you in the long run for indeed we, as a humanity, are in a maraton. As it was proven by Abebe Bikila, it is not the shoes that make you win. Leaving evidence does not mean speaking sence into the unsencible and thereby burning your own bridges. It means realizing and knowing that in the end, the truth must be known to help and protect our family.
The above is the main and only reason that SPEAKforfreeDOM has created some handsigns that will be knowned worldwide. These signs are to be used in silence only and exist to prevent further harm to the surroundings. One must realize that the first meaning of using handsigns is to communicate. In this situation using the right hand is always about the one who you (the one signing) are foccusing your gesture to. The left hand is about yourself. The first priority is therefor to understand if the handsign is talking to you or is telling something about the person using the handsigns.
Danger is to your left. This handsign is made by the right hand.
Danger is behind you. This handsign is made by the right hand.
Danger is all around you. This handsign is made by the right hand.
Danger is behind you. This handsign is made by the right hand.
Danger is to my right. This handsign is made by the left hand.
Danger is to your left. This handsign is made by the left hand.
Danger is behind me. This handsign is made by the left hand.
Danger is all around me. This hand sign is made by the left hand.
Danger is behind me. This handsign is made by the left hand.
Danger is to your right. This handsign is made by the left hand.
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