SPEAKforFREEdom is a movement and reality for all the people of the World. We believe and know that we are one humanity free to speak our minds and stand for freedom. We are inhabintants of the World and should be aloud to travel the World freely. When showing your face and spirit, the clothes and/or headwear you decide to wear, are not important and can be worn on your OWN individual way. For offcourse we are all individuals made of positive energy.


Your body is a creation, for indeed it was made in the whomb of your mother (and offcourse before beeing created, you already existed). Your body is new, but has a memorie of Nature itself, and your new thoughts, that are a reflexion of your memorie, are instruments for you to create your own vision of the World. Therefor your body and more importantly your mind belonges to you only.  It is the Naturespeaking duty as parent(s) to reach out for knowledge and try to understand the spirit and the surroundings of the child. The parent(s) must come to the realisation of the fact that the communnity is a big - and in some stages of life bigger - influense to the mind, then the parent(s) themselves.


In a way the creator is less important in the present then the created itself and the created next to the created. Reality is the present, therefor only when the creator is in the present (our parents or grandparents) and memory of ourstory (his-herstory, xesstory); it is equal important. Important is something that is now; you!


The future: the stimulance for the importance of the present.


The above does not question the fact that when the creator is in the mind of the created it is indeed very much present in the present and therefor, the future. For one will only reach the future trough the present with the knowledge of the past (true or false). The long line of past, present and future time is indeed a circle of life, which can be looked at in all angles or sizes and therefor can creat all knowned shapes in Nature, seen or unseen.  



  •  Symbol of supremacy of GOD.
  • Thumb


  • Symbol of HOPE.
  • Indexfinger


  • Symbol of VALOUR.
  • Middlefinger


  • Ringfinger


  • Symbol of MERCY and NURTURING.
  • Babyfinger

The images above show symbols that represent the supremacy of GOD, Natures and animal/human emotions and/or actions. For these images speak to the heart and mind, all people can understand them when taught. The signs showed above can be explained with our fingers and also the history of our fingers.



 .GOD, Nature, LOVE.

For SPEAKforFREEdom, hence the name, it is not important what belieth 

or in what GOD or GODS a person believes in. It is only important that the person knows and acts trought love and does not harm while loving. When SPEAKforFREEdom speaks about the supremacy of GOD, it is talking about Nature, LOVE(emotions), the power that connects us all, and the unknown but felt feelings. If you click on the tab communication (above), it shows that SPEAKforFREEdom only speaks for the four Symbols of Natures and animal/human emotions/actions. It does not and can not represent any GOD, for SPEAKforFREEdom does not have that knowledge.



The Thumb is most associated with doing good and showing somebody else he/she is doing good. It is the reason why we evolved to what we are today, without a Thumb picking up basic tools is hard. Hence the reason why the gameconsole is build around the movement of the Thumb. It is the reinforcer of the grip on a pen(cil).


Your Indexfinger is closely related to the meaning of the Thumb and often used together. Pointing your Indexfinger straight ahead and your Thumb to the sky and you are asking for permission to kill. This we do not accept.


For SPEAKforFREEdom the Thumb stands for the supremacy of GOD, Nature and LOVE.

And is therefor to be used to stimulate the positive and encourage others to do good by showing the example of doing good. 


Only because of our Thumbs we became Humans and therefor became super-B.




The Indexfinger is a beautiful one. It is the one you use to point at yourself, something or someone else. It is the finger that is most used with your Thumb and therefor the Indexfinger is closely related to the meaning of the Thumb. The Indexfinger is also used alot to feel something that looks new or to - with the help of the supremacy of GOD, your Thumb - grab something small =D.


Since for SPEAKforFREEdom the Indexfinger also stands for the Symbol of HOPE, it indeed makes sense that pointing at someone can debouch, even the unsaid, into a stronger attack or feel like what is said is only directed to that person. It is therefor important to know who you point at (do you know the person). Of course when using the Symbol of HOPE, think about the supremacy of GOD and think about what you say.


For pointing only shows the HOPE the person has for you and us to understand something.

For who are we to judge, if indeed we are like our generation...




F you, right?




Symbol of VALOUR!


 After Valour, we Succeed!




Alot of people know that when you like/love someone a ring could be given. Now think for yourself what the Ringfinger stands for and what kind of emotion/action it will trigger when the ring is put on the Ringfinger. For SPEAKforFREEdom the Ringfinger stands for LOYALTY, DEVOTION and SERVICE. These are important things when liking/loving someone and giving a ring and choosing to place it on your partners Ringfinger, must mean you are willing to give your partner loyalty, devotion and service.


To protect!



(Hence the name) The Babyfinger (pinky/smallfinger) stands for MERCY and NURTURING. This is again explained by our long history as humans. Beeing the smallest finger, it soon makes you think about a baby and therefore it means nurturing. Also it is mercy we must think about when we think about the future of our children. Even in the hands of your enemy, you wish no harm would be done upon our children or the children of the enemy. And this is why SPEAKforFREEdom teaches and acts trough and with MERCY with the goal of NURTURING the present and coming generations!


For indeed we and they are the same; products of the environment!


Because SPEAKforFREEdom is a movement and a believe that we humans indeed can create a true powerfull nation that has no created borders, we are not blind to the fact that believing in this movement has nothing to do with your talents and your motivation to teach or act your proffesion. Teaching and giving your knowledge to the next generation or the present one is just beeing alive. If any needs advice about how and what is needed to teach your generation, feel free to contact us by asking your question underneath.

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